The Great author Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’s exhibition in Milan

The Great author Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’s exhibition in Milan

The Great author Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’s exhibition in Milan, in the well-known gallery “Miro Persolja”, will be opened from 8th March at 19h until 30th April 2019. The artist will present 20 paintings in oil on canvas technique. The Art Director of gallery, Ms Linda Pavlova set up and prepared exhibition, which will be presented […]

The new novel written by Misa Mihajlo Kravcev

The new novel written by Misa Mihajlo Kravcev

After enormous success of novel “A lion’s spring”, publishing house Dereta will print another novel of Misa Mihajlo Kravcev named “Velmer, the ideas’ spreader or simpler Angel of Coincidences”. It is expected to be published prior to Belgrade Book Fair in autumn 2019.

The great painting monography of Misa Mihajlo Kravcev

The great painting monography of Misa Mihajlo Kravcev

Finally, the great monography of Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’ painting work is in preparation, which will be published prior to Belgrade Book Fair 2019 and signed by Momcilo Mosa Todorovic, our famous gallerist and publicist known for many painting monographies at his gallery – publishing house “Radionica duse”

INFORMER: New novel by Misa Kravcev at the 64th book fair

INFORMER: New novel by Misa Kravcev at the 64th book fair

NOVI ROMAN Miše Mihajla Kravceva na 64. Sajmu knjiga Novi roman Miše Mihajla Kravceva “Velmer, raznosač ideja, ili prostije rečeno – Anđeo slučajnosti” izašao je iz štampe u izdanju Derete i biće predstavljen na 64. Sajmu knjiga 24. oktobra od 18 do 20 časova. Autor će potpisivati roman i družiti se sa čitaocima Miša Mihajlo […]

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