Opening Ceremony oн exhibition, including Kravcev’s speech, Belgrade 12. nov. 2019
Miša Mihajlo Kravcev, Opening Ceremony of Exhibition and promotion of the Ilustrated Monograph, Belgrade 12 nov 2019
58th Venice Biennale – Kravcev at Zenobio Palace, 2nd – 30th of november
Professor Giorgio Gregorio Grasso, one of the most influential Italian and European art critics and art historian, permanent selector of the Venice Biennale, invited the renowned painter from Belgrade, Miša Mihajlo Kravcev, to perform his artwork at the renowned Zenobio Palace from November 2 to 30, one of the exhibition venues of the 58th Venice Biennale, where art lovers, […]
ILUSTRATED MONOGRAPHY AND A NEW ART EXHIBITION OF MIŠA MIHAJLO KRAVCEV in english and serbian “I don’t want to paint anything that any phone or camera can do better than I do, I only paint what no computer, as well as never one device, will ever be able to achieve. I paint pure emotion. ” […]
A NEW NOVEL BY MIŠA MIHAJLO KRAVCEV „VELMER, THE IDEA’S DELIVERER, OR MORE SIMPLE TO SAY – THE ANGEL OF COINCIDENCES“, published by Dereta A new novel by Miša Mihajlo Kravcev, “Velmer, the Idea’s’Deliverer, or More Simple to say – the Angel of Coincidences“ is published by Dereta, and it will be presented at the […]
New Exhibiton & Introducing a big ilustrated monography of Miša Mihajlo Kravcev’s
New Exhibiton & Introducing a big ilustrated monography of Miša Mihajlo Kravcev’s artwork, published by Dereta 12nov – 12 dec 2019, Kralja Milana 2 The day of opening ceremony will be notified later
Artist’s Monography and new novel by Miša Mihajlo Kravcev
Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’s paintings in “Tri Tacke”
From today, some of the best pieces of Misa Mihajlo Kravcev’s art will be exhibit at the famous restaurant “Tri Tacke” --> website
Sunday 19th of may, Misa Mihajlo Kravcev in “Three Points” with Ivana Zaric, tv N1
Yesterday Evening it was another one reportage about Misha Mihajlo Kravcev`s exhibition in Milan
[video] Art critic Georgio Grasso about Miša Mihajlo Kravcev`s art – paintings
Professor Giorgio Grasso one of the most famous Italian art historian and art critics opened the Serbian artist Miša Mihajlo Kravcev exhibition In Milan with these words: “We are contacted daily by hundreds of artist who want to exhibit their art in Miro Persolja gallery, the space which shows the clear message of struggle against Duchamp’s conceptual art […]
Miša Kravcev on KCN TV, about the fantastic year, 2019… Bananas from Miami, broken chairs which are acting “the deep art”
New interview with Misa Mihajlo Kravcev, about painting, early years, monograph
Tv Pink Sarajevo – About 58th Venice Biennale, monograph, new exhibition, medals…
An Excellent Misa Kravcev’s interview for radio Sputnik
Misa Mihajlo Kravcev, exhibition, Belgrade, 12 nov 2019
Reportage about the Exhibition&Monograph from last evening, national TV
Misa Kravcev with fantastic Ana Babic and Slobodan Sarenac, RTS, nacional tv
“Novi Magazin” 7.11.2019.
[video] Miša Kravcev in “Sarenica”
Misa Kravcev – Interview for a Dotkom
Izuzetna nam je čast da vam na stranicama Dotkoma predstavimo poznatog i priznatog slikara i književnika Mišu Mihajla Kravceva. Rođen 1962. u Beogradu, do sada je imao 24 samostalne izložbe u zemlji i inostranstvu, a napisao je i tri knjige koje su privukle popriličnu pažnju u medijima i među čitaocima. Povoda za razgovor koji je sa gospodinom […]