214 Red Summer of the White Horses196 226 Pogled iza mesečeve zavese - A View Behind the Curtain of the MoonLakoća Življenja - Easiness of Living - 70 x100Kralj i kraljica konja - King and Queen of Horses - 120x80Noć Pomirenja - Night of Atonement - 120x80"Kupanje u srebrnoj svetlosti", 2022, Ulje na platnu 120x80 - "Bathing in the Silver Light", 2022, Oil on canvas 120x80198 Ples Punog Meseca - Dance Of The Full MoonTajna Mesečevog tirkiza - Secret of the turquoise Moon 100 x 70194 95b La Danza193 230 Iz bajke o čarobnom jednorogu - From the fairytale about the Magic Unicorn191 209 Mesečina duše jednog konja181 218 Flamingosi na dobrom vetru - Flamingos on a Good WindJoš jedna zima - Another Winter - 39X20Čarobna pena Meseca – Magical Foam of the Moon . 120x80Čudesni preokret - Magical Reversal 100x70Graciozan par - Graceful Couple - 35x25Na krilima Sunca - On the Wings of Sun 60x50Dva Mirna Jednoroga - Two Calmful Unicorns - 100x70Ponovo - Once Again - 120x80194 228 Pobeda nad olujom - Victory Over the Storm190 225 Misti na starom jeziku znače-krila - Misties in old language means wings189 231 Dobar vetar - A Good Wind185 216 Leto - Summer182 Rising of the White Horse - Uzdizanje belog konja180 199 35 Jutro Mladog Pantera179 d 203 Mastilo iz snova započinje novu priču179 Color of Flamingos179 220 Konačno... - Finally...178 Noć Pred Veliku Radost-Night Before Unexpected Happiness178 217 Novi izbor u životu - New Life possibilities177 200 Pegazi, Deca Sunca177 183 Protected By Turquoise and By Faitfulness171 205 Jednorog i Stidna deva - Unicorn and a Shy Lady170 Kad je plima nek je s muzikom169 Hram156 197 ČItanje Bajke - Reading a Fairytale145 232 Čarolija jednoroga - Magic of the unicorns115 191 Eola - Vetrovita106 165 Mesečevo ogledalo105 164 Tirkizna belina belih konja104 Canzona della Brezza Lunare104 Proud and Memories103 From Happy Times103c 184 Refren bele u pesmi boja103 Drvo Želja na Toploj Mesečini103 181 Duh nove boje - Spirit of the New103 103 192 Na Vetru Punog Meseca102 Perfect First Look101l 186 Zlato Boje Sunca-Gold Color of Sun101e 204 Poziv na kafu - Coffee invite101d 185 Pink Dance101b Frejina praunuka101aq Rythm and Spirit of Belgrade101a Spring Morning Victory of the Sun100b Decision-Odluka 120x80100a La Bianchezza delle Cicladi100 Nell Inchiostro di Una Notte98d Times of Tribes98b Bagliore degli Unicorni sul Sole98a Un Discorso Importante97 103 Scelto in un Sogno96 95 Early Youth Memory of One Horse - Sećanja iz Rane Mladosti Jednog Konja95a Serata con la Luna nei Capelli95c Fenicotteri in un colore di un tramonto d`orato93 105 Uno Colore di Sogno - In una mossa92 80 Tree of Questions91N190 Ples duša-Dance of the Souls91c Fenicotteri in una Gloria Smeralda91b In Onore della Mia Amata Cicladi91a Turquoise Patina of the FullMoon91a Green Side of a Blue Moon90a A scene from the summer Sylphid Night90 89 A Cradle of the White Race89 9888 167 Flamingosi iz Sunca87 16187 10 Unicorns in the Skirt of Light86 10 Jedan budan san-One Awaked Dream 100x7084b Dove Partira questo Sognio84a Svegliando84 14 Zeleni Zmajevi Punog Meseca83 3482a Uccellini poco Prima dell alba80 106 Desideri di Notte78 47 Anunciation76 56 Girlish Chitchat75 2573 08 Flamingos In All Colors72 0571 03 Flert Flam69 24 Vreme-Time68 31 One Dream65 43 Plavi Zmaj63 97 Sećanja Dva Konja Viteza iz Vremena Bajki - Memories of Two Knight Horses from the Fairytale Times62 171 Birdies-Ptičice61 19 Night Meeting in a 3D Night60 30 Horses in a Pink Dawn - Konji u Ružičastoj Zori59 32 Dve Sildide58 79 Three Horses in the Green Night57 18056 173 Let Zlatnih Konja-Flight Of The Golden Horses55 26 Beauty of Earth54 13 Whiteness-Belina52 90 Flamingosi Iz Aquamarina-Flamingos From Aquamarine51 20 Ponovni Susret - Meeting Again49 Eternal Horses47 224 Jedna boja sna - A Color of a Dream45 188 Bljesak Vatre I Vode41 60 Crveni Konji - Red Horses 2008, ulje na platnu38 01 Crveni Pobednici36 2135 3732 63 Every feeling31 3830 36 Blue Dream Of Pegasus29 33 Story About Horses28 48Fantazija - Fantasy 100 x 7027 Beauty of Wildness - Lepota Divljine25 72 Song Of The Newgreen20 6724 76 Sonata19 6518 Capelli Verdi18 193 Emocija u vedroj jesenjoj noći16 6214 58 Jesenja Bajka13 53 Pesma 2 breze06 41 Jabuke02 75 Brod sa Zlatom